More on the question of functions of contact verbs in Russian and Finnish spontaneous speech (based on usage of verbs katsoa and (po)smotret)
spontaneous speech, verbal pragmatems, oral discourse, contact verbs, Finnish language, Russian language, corpus researchAbstract
The paper considers the issue of functions of so-called contact verbs smotret in Russian language and katsoa in Finnish in spontaneous speech. These verbs are also classified as pragmatems, i. e. linguistic units which to a large extent have lost lexical or even grammatical meaning but still have an exact function in oral discourse. Despite the fact that some researches of this pragmateme’s group both for Russian and Finnish languages have been made, comparative analyze still hasn’t been fulfilled. Material was collected from the contexts representing oral spontaneous non-public speech in Corpus of Spoken Russian (which is a part of The Russian National Corpus) and ArkiSyn-corpus which represents Finnish oral speech. In both languages forms of imperative (second person, singular) were analyzed: forms katso/ kato in Finnish and smotri/posmotri in Russian. When contexts were collected, they were analyzed from the point of serving of such functions: 1) start marker, 2) navigation marker, 3) final marker, 4) renarrative marker, 5) hesitation marker, 6) search marker. The results of the analyze have shown that there is much in common in functions of these linguistic units in Russian and Finnish spontaneous speech. In Finnish form kato is more frequent than katso, while in Russian smotri is more widely used than posmotri. As for functions, it is clear that start, navigation and hesitation markers are more frequent than final markers, which can be explained by the semantics of the original verb. Contexts with the function of narrative marker were not found. Further comparative researches of other contact verbs of Russian and Finnish language would be promising.
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