Emotive situations presenting transformation of emotions into the polar ones in the English literary text
emotive microtext, emotive situation, polar emotion, opposition, emotive polarity, context, semantic indicator, seme, contextual antonymsAbstract
The article touches upon the language means and ways of representing the transformation of the emotional state and the change of emotions into the opposite ones in the English literary text. The realization of the transition of emotions into polar ones is examined in the text fragments of the modern prose, within the framework of which the emotional episode unfolds. The text fragments under analysis are taken from highly acclaimed works of fiction written in the twentieth and twenty first centuries. This article analyzes various types of situations of emotional transformation, characterized by opposition, polarity of emotions and feelings. Detailed analysis is presented. The article gives an insight into the language means of creating oppositions in one text fragment and shows different lexical and syntactical means of their actualization. Some results of this research are given. It is shown that the emotional state of the participants changes from positive to negative and vice versa in one emotional episode. Different types of the situations characterized by the transformation of emotions are named and described. In the text fragments under consideration, some emotive situations of quick or consistent transformation of emotions, situations of concealing true emotions, analyzing and comparing past and present emotional experiences are presented. Attention is focused on the lexical means representing emotions in the text of fiction. An overview of the lexical units nominating emotions and describing the manifestation of the emotional state and kinematic reactions is given. The article focuses on the language mechanisms responsible for the emergence of contextual oppositions in the text. The emotional transformation is created with the help of some lexical means indicating a quick or gradual change of emotions and syntactical means actualizing the oppositivity in the literary text.
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