Narrative construction of gender in neomythological discourse
motive, motive analysis, gender, narrative, neomythologism, feminist discourseAbstract
The article considers the narrative construction of gender in neomythological discourse as part of the general strategy of deconstructing archaic myth, which reinforces patriarchal gender stereotypes. The analysis of K. Wolf’s novel “Medea. Stimmen” was aimed at identifying isotopic networks of interrelated linguistic markers correlated with the motive in the text. The analysis comes from the idea of motive as a unit of poetic language, which possesses figurative integrity. Mythological characters are isomorphic to the motives that constitute them, and therefore to the gender stereotypes they symbolically represent. In the K. Wolf’s novel, the narrative of which consists of characters’ inner monologues, an important means of constructing gender is the peculiarities of characters’ speech manner, their speech portraits. The analysis of the speech portraits of the female characters of the novel allowed us to identify the patriarchal (Princess Glauke), the radical feminist (Medea’s student and rival Agameda) and the utopian egalitarian gender model (Medea). The article reveals speech markers that represent each of the named models, associated with the main discursive competences — creative (subject factor), receptive (addressee factor) and referential (content factor). Each of the gender models is characterized by the dominance of one of the mentioned competences: the content factor, which represents ideas and opinions brought in from outside (the patriarchal gender model); the factor of the subject, manifested in the marked egocentrism of the speaker (the radical feminist model); the factor of the addressee (the egalitarian utopian model). The deconstruction of the archaic myth, and hence of the patriarchal gender stereotype, receives completion in the construction of a new myth and a new gender stereotype. The utopianism of the new egalitarian gender model reflects the peculiarity of neomythologism as a type of the cultural mentality of the Modern Age.
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