Linguistic realization of the category “Alien” in the book of Klaus and Erica Mann “Rundherum”
the opposition “Own-Alien”, the category “Alien”, travel notes, the Soviet Union of the 20s–30s, the category of evaluativity, ethnic stereotypesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the ways of linguistic realization of the category “Alien” in the book of Klaus and Erica Mann “Around the World” (“Rundherum”), who visited the Soviet Union in 1927. The category “Alien” is considered as a part of the opposition “Own-Alien”, which is one of the cultural dominants of any society. Travel notes are defined as a genre in which the “alien” reality is in the focus of the author’s attention. The relevance of this work is due to a comprehensive approach to the study of this category, taking into account the historical and cultural context of the creation of the book, the social and political situation prevailing at that time in individual countries and the world as a whole. The article discusses the types of linguistic means that contribute to the verbalization of the category “Alien”, describes their functions and place in the text. The opposition “Own-Alien” is presented in close relationship with the category of evaluativity, in this regard, special attention is paid to the group of evaluative vocabulary involved in the implementation of the category under study. The positive and negative aspects noted by German travelers during their stay in the Soviet Union are considered. It is determined that the linguistic realization of the opposition “Own-Alien” turns out to be closely related to existing ethnic stereotypes, although their impact may be offset by the personal position of the author. It is established that the subjective nature of the genre of travel notes has a significant impact on the selection of linguistic means of representation of the “Alien”. The results of the research can be used in the preparation of courses in intercultural communication, linguistics, linguoculturology, a special course in political linguistics.
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