English secondary-predicative structures in terms of translation
secondary predication, translation transformations, FSP, Infinitive as a connective link, Nominative Absolute participle constructionAbstract
The paper looks into English semi-predicative structures: the Infinitive as a connective link and the Nominative absolute participle construction and the ways they might be rendered into the Russian language. The rationale behind the choice of the translation strategy is based on identifying the grammatical functions of these constructions in a sentence, their semantics and communicative significance. The analysis of the Infinitive as a connective link is focused on discerning its most characteristic features differentiating it from the infinitives of purpose, result/consequence and cause, as well as additional meanings it brings into a sentence. There is evidence to suggest that the Infinitive as a connective link is always the communicative peak of a sentence as it brings absolutely new information which appears quite unexpected and often upsetting for the subject.
The main emphasis in the analysis of the English Absolute construction is made on revealing the type of the adverbial modifier — the role it takes on in a sentence and communicative significance of this information. Empirical data revealed a close link between the degree of communicative dynamism of the Absolute construction and its grammatical function in a sentence. The Absolute construction in the function of an adverbial modifier of cause/ time is commonly thematic, while the functions of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstance/manner make this information rhematic in a sentence. The findings afford ground for building transformation patterns, which can be used in English-Russian translation. Apart from this, the study results help develop a strategy of making the best use of these constructions while translating from Russian into English.
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