Scientific-oriented metaphor as an author’s perception interpreting tool vs poetic translation




translation, poetic translation, metaphor, conceptual metaphor, cognitive approach, discursive analysis, interpretative repertoir


The paper considers conceptual and metaphorical construction interpretation in a poetic translation as the main issue of the translation mediation. This research studies semantically deep poems of I. E. Klyukanov, a distorted interpretation of which may cause following problematic issues: poetic texts translation status determination and their adequate perception by the host culture. Hence, the main object of translation is to get to the closest level in the interpretation of author’s ideas. Therefore, the research suggests using cognitive-discursive approach to metaphors to predict the transformation processes of the author’s thought into a linguistic sign. The approach of interpretative repertoires by M. Weatherell and J. Potter to metaphorical units of Klyukanov’s texts allows to reveal his scientifically-oriented world conceptualizing mechanisms in perception of reality and to trace the ways of implementing these mechanisms in translations of his poems. The article provides the comparative analysis of Klyukanov’s poems translations in 3 different levels and their assessment in accordance with the criteria based on the implementation of the main aspects of poetic translation. In conclusion the article highlights the necessity of pretranslation phases in translatology and gives recommendations on further translations and interpretations of poetry with similar scientifically-oriented conceptual space as Klyukanov’s texts.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting