The category of perceptivity in the verification of scientific information (on the material of international English-language scientific reports)
the cross-cultural communication, the perception, the scientific text, the argumentative speech strategy, the functional-semantic categoryAbstract
The role of the category of perceptivity in verifying the results of scientific research presented to the scientific community within the framework of cross-cultural scientific communication is considered on the material of English-language international scientific publications. The perception is understood as a complex psychophysiological process aimed at recognizing objects, and including the procedures of perception, awareness, understanding, and the reaction of the perceptor to the perceived. This feature allows to distinguish the perception from the procedure of one-time copying of the surrounding world through the senses. The combination of multi-level linguistic means based on the generality of the transmitted semantic function of human perception of the external world in the concept of functional grammar is interpreted as a functional-sematic category. The perception of fragments of reality by the author-perceptor in the analyzed texts correlates with the parameters of the deictic speech situation: “I fix here and now what is happening”. The grammatical dominant of a scientific English text is the present tense of Present Simple, which expresses different options of the realization of the category of perceptivity. The reliability of scientific information is due to the responsibility of the author-perceptor, who reports the study results of certain phenomena in the scientific picture of the world. The formation of a perceptual paradigm is caused by a combination of extralinguistic factors that are relevant for cross-cultural scientific communication, the participants of which are representatives of different cultural traditions, scientific schools. Persuading the foreign addressee to verify the obtained scientific results with the help of evidence-based arguments accepted in the scientific field of communication, the author solves an additional pragmatic problem of choosing a balance between argumentation using his own research results and argumentation based on existing international experience in the form of references to existing knowledge.
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