Literary translation from the RF regional languages into Russian: Typology requirements basics


  • Polina P. Dashinimaeva Buryat State University named after D. Banzarov



translation, national language, literary text, requirement, typology


The research gives a first approximation of generalized requirements for the translation of the RF regional fiction into Russian. The author’s core beliefs are as follows: 1) regarding the situation of the common target language (Russian) there must be developed generalized standard translation recommendations, which might further make the basis of modern specific theories; 2) the framework of transdisciplinary strategies for language and interlanguage predetermines an episteme-like consideration of principles of natural speech production and perception. The second condition is reflected in the section “Fundamentals of Typology methodology”. The principle of research evidence is implemented in the tabled comments on translation from the Avar, Buryat and Tuvan languages. The latters ground directly and indirectly the typology divided into pre-translation and translation levels. The-like algorithm and the theory of translation strategy (foreignization and/ or domestication) are also determined by the natural semiosis neurophysiological principles: separate mental and verbal stages justify the meaning/thought alienation and the target language domestication, respectively. Because of its functional irrelevance the term “foreignizing” is not recommended for use— one might use “alienation” instead. Distinguishing between ‘equivalent’ and ‘correlate’ is also a new idea. The given pre-translation and translation procedure implementation may contribute to the streamlining of the translator’s mental activity in a particular situation and the development of their translation thinking mode in general.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting