The belles-lettres style under language systems’ shift conditions


  • Yuliya P. Vyshenskaya Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



belles-lettres style, discourse analysis, genre, language systems’ shift, rhetorical course, text, literary style


The article investigates the factors important for the processes of style generation. The research has been carried out on poetic textual material from High Middle Ages, as represented by The Canterbury Tales poem.

The aforementioned processes are studied following the style–text–discourse model proposed by Y. A. Gontcharova. For the purposes of this study (considering its goals, tasks and source material), style is defined as a style of a belles-lettres text written within the framework of the artistic communication discourse of the period marked by the transition from High Middle Ages into Renaissance.

The emergence of the belles-lettres texts became possible after the European languages had attained a certain degree of maturity. In turn, this was connected with the language style, since it uses the vernacular as its foundation.

Another aspect of the process of style formation, i.e. its transformation into an artistic phenomenon, is the arrangement of language material. It is carried out according to certain rules and principles of organization.

True to the general trend, a foreign, alien stylistic model is elected as exemplary at the early stages of the process of establishing the national language norm. These processes coincide with evolutionary processes in society and language, when one language system is replaced by another, i.e. in the time of language systems’ shift that enables unfettered artistic investigation of the universe.

The belles-lettres style evolution increased the importance of rhetorical and normative principles pertaining to the structure of a literary work. These rules for structuring language material, passed on from the classical rhetorical tradition, can be used in two ways. On the one hand, the choice of style of a literary work is normally driven by the style of its predecessor. On the other hand, social changes may lead authors to break with this norm, which is quite significant for the genre and stylistic structure of their works.



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Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Discourse