Literary translation as rhetorical communication. Poetry of the “Lake School” in Russian translations




literary translation, rhetorical communication, «Lake School», illocutionary influence, national concept sphere


The article summarizes the results of research aimed at studying literary translation as rhetorical communication. The analysis of the works of the poets of the “Lake School” in Russian translations was carried out using a neo-rhetorical approach. This approach allowed not only to expand the understanding of the role of literary translation as part of the literary process, but also to establish the factors of genre dynamics in the literary process of the host culture and to describe the factors in the formation of the dialogue of cultures. The study of literary translation as rhetorical communication is based on a number of provisions. This is a study of literary translation as the transformation of the Other into One of us based on the three competencies of the text — referential, creative and receptive. The involvement in the field of research of works that characterize translation multiplicity, translation dispersion and culturally determined translation strategies was carried out using the methods of comparative literature and rhetoric. Pushkin’s and Balmont’s translations are analyzed as manifestations of domestication, Pushkin’s translation-paraphrase and Balmont’s interpretive translation which determined the appearance of the “Russian” Wordsworth and the renewal of the sonnet in Russian romanticism and symbolism. The phenomenon of translation multiplicity as a source of literary translation and its function as rhetorical communication is illustrated by Russian translations of Wordsworth’s sonnet in the 20th century. The technique for calculating the accuracy index of literary translation is presented which seems fruitful for creating new translations. Another function of literary translation as rhetorical communication is considered from the perspective of the author’s illocutionary influence on the reader and the translations of Coleridge’s poem by Gumilyov and Levik are examined as a case study.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting