On conveying the cultural message of “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy: Interlingual vs intersemiotic translation





cultural and historical coloring, “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy, film adaptation, screen version, audiovisual text, dubbing, intersemiotic translation, interlingual translation


The study addresses the issue of conveying the cultural and historical message of the original novel used for film adaptation. The factors causing the rearrangement of the original ideas in intersemiotic and interlingual translation are being defined. The paper aims to compare three text forms — the original novel “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy, its screen version “Anna Karenina” directed by Joe Wright, 2012 and the Russian version of the adaptation dubbed in “Pythagoras Studio” — to illustrate the loss of the cultural and historical colouring of the source text in intersemiotic translation and the restoration of the original meaning in interlingual audiovisual translation. The study is based on such scientific methods as contextual analysis, comparative analysis and the method of linguistic observation and description.

The novel “Anna Karenina” is full of cultural and historical markers as well as moral and philosophical ideas of the author reflecting the social and moral values of the Russian society of the XIX century.

The examples prove the inability of the film adaptation to render the meaning of the original text in full due to subjective (the ability to understand the original, the desire to convey it, etc.) and objective (the target audience, the timing, etc.) factors.

At the same time the requirements of dubbing (lipsinc, timing etc.) though being tough objective factors as well do not prevent the restoration of the cultural and historical colouring of the source text.



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Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Discourse