Implications of the notion of “language and methodology teaching support” for polylingual education




language and methodology support, polylingual education, scaffolding, constructive controversy, subordinate polylingualism


The following article deals with the notion of “language and methodology teaching support” and the term “scaffolding” as its equivalent more prevalent in the Western research papers. While touching upon some of the fundamental characteristics and objectives of the said educational technology as well as covering the main stages in its development, the author makes it a point to distinguish between “language and methodology teaching support” and other terminological phenomena described by domestic researchers, as well as highlights the basic difference between the Western interpretation of scaffolding, mostly applicable to a multilingual setting, in which several language cultures coexist in one language community, and the potential implications and significance of applying this technology to an educational setting, in particular, within the framework of a subordinate polylingual environment.

One of the principles of language and methodology teaching support consists in the use of the knowledge, abilities and skills previously acquired by the students, as means of supporting them in the process of further language learning. This principle becomes of primary importance when considered from the perspective of second (and further) foreign language acquisition, due to the nature of multiple interlingual processes taking place at the intersection of one’s native and first foreign language, and other foreign languages acquired consequently. To provide a specific example of applying the technology in question to an academic setting, the article describes the constructive criticism technique, which allows to cover the diversification of the sources of language and methodology teaching support as its core principle.

The author concludes by summarizing the advantages of the given technology not only in increasing the educational effectiveness of second (and further) language acquisition, but also in the formation of a new type of language identity most relevant to the realities of today.



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Linguodidactics and Language Teaching Methodology