Aspects of grammatical variation of the German language in the light of the pluriareal concept




standard German, national variety, regional variety, pluriareal concept, diatopic dimension, syntactic variants


The variability of grammatical means, including the verification of grammatical variants in the diatopic dimension to codify them, determine areal distribution and standardization, is currently in the focus of German linguistics. Based on the data from the corpus of the international research project “Regional Variation in the Grammar of Standard German”, the article analyzes the current phenomena and processes occurring in the grammatical structure of the German language. The concepts of the “common standard” (“Gebrauchsstandard”) and pluriareality are considered as the basis for this project, which make it possible to substantiate the existence of areal grammatical variability in the written standard of the modern German language at the regional, and not only at the national, level. From a wide range of grammatical variants, the paper presents an analysis of the key issues for the structure of the German language in the sphere of syntactic variation. The problem of the framework construction of the German sentence is considered as the central one, and the areal prevalence of the main varieties of moving out of the frame parts of the sentence, which are allowed in the texts of regional newspapers, is determined. Diatopic variability of the word order in complex sentences is considered using the example of subordinate clauses with the weil and obwohl conjunctions. The materials of the project allow determining the conditions for the use of syntactic variants of such structures. A special section of the work is devoted to the phenomena of syntactic variability of the German language in Switzerland, which reveals discrepancies with other regions concerning the filling of the first place in the main sentence, as well as for the structure and word order in subject and object subordinate clauses. Analysis of the facts of syntactic variabilityand their systematization allow obtaining reliable information about the current processes in the grammatical structure of the German language, as well as about the ways of its further development.



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Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Discourse