Translingual literature of English-writing Russian authors




translingual and transcultural fiction and poetry, English-writing authors of Russian descent, language and cultural identity, cultural and linguistic heritage, culture-carrying function


The article discusses the phenomenon of translingual literature that is created by bilingual authors and includes elements of their native or heritage culture. This discussion is significant for our days, as, due to globalization, linguistic and cultural contacts of international languages with indigenous languages and cultures have been intensifying and getting wider, which leads to differentiation of international languages into varieties, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to mutual enrichment of cultures and synergy of literatures. The definition of translingual literature, first published in the works by Steven Kellman, should be broadened, especially if we compare this definition with that of “contact literature” used by Braj B. Kachru, the American scholar. This term is also different from the “second language literature” concept suggested by V. V. Kabakchi. The paper reveals basic differences between the terms and demonstrates major features of translingual and transcultural literature, as well as reasons for its creation. Some disputable issues concerning the phenomenon of translingual literature are raised and dwelt on, including creating translingual poetry. Names of English-writing authors, whose works are based on and include elements of Russian culture, are introduced. The paper concludes by asserting that translingual authors do not only share their own transnational experience but they also express the communities’ translingualism and transculturalism that is growing worldwide.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting