Communication strategies: Representing historical past in graphic novel (on the example of the novel “A Memory of Lament” by Allan van Hansen, Denmark, 2019)
Danish historical novel, graphic novel, communication strategies, artistic communication, Scandinavian literature, Leonora Christina UlfeldtAbstract
The article analyses the main communication strategies of representing the historical past in the text of the Danish graphic novel “A Memory of Lament”, written and drawn by Allan van Hansen in 2019. The main text the novel refers to is the memories of the illegible daughter of King Christian IV of Denmark Leonora Christina Ulfeldt (1621–1698) who is the most famous writer and the historical female person from Denmark at that age. Drawing on Wolfgang Iser’s reception theory, the article explores the interaction of visual and verbal elements of the text in creating the interpretation of the 17th century in Denmark as a сommunication strategy. The graphic novel is approached as a fully creolized and semiotically complicated text, according to the theory of creolized texts (Y. Sorokin, E. Tarasov, and E. Anisimova). The article suggests the typology of interaction between the visual and verbal components of the text, depending on the domination of verbal or nonverbal components and the communication goal.
The considered novel realizes the strategy of building an illusion of the historically authentic universe while using references and quoting the various visual and written documents of Danish baroque, implementing the mental representation of concepts “Vanitas”, “Memento mori” and “Enlightenment”, using the elements of the Danish lexicon and syntax from the 17th century and reconstructing visually the scenery of baroque Copenhagen.
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