On the problematic status of the lexical-semantic group of pseudo participles/adjectives in Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish





participles, pseudo participles, adjectives, Norwegian language, Danish language, Swedish language, sister languages, Scandinavian languages


Not only do the grammatical and lexical systems of the continental Scandinavian sister languages have much in common but also their structural differences are interrelated. The modern Norwegian language (bokmål) has a special group of qualitative-attitudinal inflexible adjectives, the so-called pseudo adjectives that are formed from nouns; they take the form of genuine weak passive participles of weak verbs, but many derive from the nominal stem.

The modern Danish language has a similar lexical and semantic group of adjectives largely derived from the same roots as those in Norwegian. These adjectives are formed from nouns or verbs by means of the suffix -et and they take the same form as participles of weak verbs of the first class. Contrary to the Norwegian bokmål, the Danish language does not have an inflexible variant of pseudo participles ending in -ete. These word formation patterns are highly productive and frequent both in vernacular speech and in dialects of Norwegian and Danish.

Yet, in the Swedish language, adjectival vocabulary of such semantics is modeled not on the participle II pattern, but by taking affixes, mainly the suffix -ig. Also, there are derivatives formed with suffixes -aktig, -sam and -ad. Stricter rules governing the functioning of genuine participles and the supine in the Swedish language seem to have curbed the capacity of the participle ending to be affixed to any base morphemes other than the verbal stem.



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Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Discourse