Implementation and modernisation of the master’s degree programme “Computer-assisted and machine translation technology”


  • Maxim V. Berendyaev Northern (Arctic) Federal University
  • Elena S. Kokanova Northern (Arctic) Federal University
  • Nikolay Yu. Kulikov Northern (Arctic) Federal University



augmented translator, artificial intelligence, Master’s degree programme, computer-assisted and machine translation technology, professional competence


The awareness of possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligence in translation is becoming an integral part of professional competence. Training an “augmented translator” in this context is a complex task. This article provides an example of the implementation and modernisation of the innovative Master’s degree programme “Computer-Assisted and Machine Translation Technology” at the Department of Translation Technology and Practice at “AKM-West” of Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk, Russia). The article considers current approaches to translator training at the university, fields of research work by master’s degree students, ways of modernising the Master’s degree programme. They depend on the requirements of the labour market, technological development and scientific research, changes in competence frameworks, as well as local factors (potential local clients, potential applicants, etc.). The participation of the professional community in the implementation of the Master’s degree programme contributes to career adaptability to today’s translation and localization industry. The organisation of scientific meetings for students (for example, the annual All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference “Modern Technologies in Translation. From Machine Translation to Machine Learning: Stereotypes and New Opportunities”, the section “Augmented translation: human being + machine” in the Arkhangelsk conference of young scientists “LANGUAGE. CULTURE. LITERATURE”) and the publication of a collection of papers by young scientists (for example, “From Machine Translation to Machine Learning”) can help to participate in the promotion of science and knowledge about modern translation technology in the Russian language. An interdisciplinary approach, a practice-oriented approach, a research approach and a professional orientation help to ensure the training of “augmented translators” who are able to get a successful career in the modern world.



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