Social skills of interpreters in high-stress remote environments


  • Zhanna I. Shuklina St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



simultaneous interpretation, remote interpretation, emotional intelligence, adaptability, field dependence — field independence


This article explores the social skills required of interpreters in the challenging context of remote interpreting formats and the use of remote simultaneous interpretation platforms. Remote connectivity during interpretation can lead to a lack of the feeling of presence. Additionally, interpreters must also participate in a complex communication model, interacting with event participants and colleagues. The increasing availability of technology has made remote interpretation a viable and convenient alternative to traditional methods. However, it is important to consider the additional burden and stress levels that interpreters may face.

Interpreters’ social skills are a crucial component of their emotional intelligence, allowing them to regulate their reactions and emotions. This article explores the theory of human adaptability to stressors and its relevance to professional activities. It emphasizes that adaptability can assist in completing tasks with an optimal distribution of cognitive energy and neuropsychological efforts. Research indicates that the cognitive style of field-independence allows individuals to approach complex tasks independently of individual elements of the context. This can be advantageous for interpreters when performing simultaneous interpreting and communication tasks.

The issues discussed in the article are relevant for both practicing interpreters and trainers. The practical examples described identify the most demanding aspects of communication that require targeted work during professional training of future interpreters or advanced training of experienced specialists.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting