Russia through the eyes of Edward Rutherford. Aspects of Russian culture-oriented English




interlinguoculturology, Foreign Culture-Oriented (FCO) language, Foreign Culture-Oriented (FCO) Literature, intercultural communication language, culture-bound word, xenonym, parallel attachment, stereotype


The global languages have always promoted foreign cultures to the world audience. At the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries, it was mainly the English language which performed this function. Application of a language to a foreign culture by necessity requires certain adaptations of the language. Such type of communication results in the formation of a specialized variety of the language: Foreign Culture-Oriented (FCO) Language. Making use of the latest achievements in “interlinguoculturology” (a modern branch of Linguistics worked out by professor V. V. Kabakchi and his School), devoted to the study of the language in its secondary cultural orientation towards a foreign culture, we look at original English-language texts about Russian culture and analyze how Russian culturonyms are incorporated into Russian Culture-Oriented English, their cultural adaptation and the balance between the compromise of the precision of the text and its accessibility to the audience. We are also talking about the role of stereotypes and the inevitable schematization and simplification of the culture being described. The main material for the article was Edward Rutherfurd’s literary and journalistic text Russka, but examples are also given from Geoffrey Hosking’s scientific and journalistic text Russia and the Russians. From Earliest Times to 2001, and from media texts. We explore the formation of Russian Culture-Oriented English and its vocabulary, semantic transformation of the language in its secondary cultural orientationt.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting