The ways of encoding of enigmat in small-sized enigmatic texts (on the material of German language)




small-sized enigmatic text, riddle, riddle joke, ways of encoding of enigmat, addressee, metaphor, language game


The article considers the ways of encoding of enigmat in German small-sized enigmatic texts for children, which form a special category of enigmatic texts. These texts function as means of exploring the child’s environment and contribute to systematization the addressee’s knowledge about the world. With help of enigmatic texts, the addressee familiarizes themselves with the language environment, culture and the organization of society. The specifics of age and psychological traits of the addressee determine the characteristics of enigmatic texts and the encoding ways which represent the real objects from the child’s environment in the enigmatic texts. The research material comprises German small-sized enigmatic texts for children, that are subject riddles and riddle jokes published in books and websites. The ways of encoding vary in small-sized enigmatic texts depending on their kind. There are two types of encoding ways that are present in both kinds of the researched enigmatic texts, namely common and specific ways of encoding. The common ones refer to such encoding ways that appear in both riddles and riddle jokes. The specific ways of encoding are more representative of rather one or another kind of enigmatic texts. The common ways of encoding include description, simile, negation, and opposition. Specific ones for riddles are metaphor and riddle in the riddle, and for riddle jokes — language game, intertextuality and references, text constellation, in which the texts are connected due to same topic and logical structure, redundant information, additional information, misinformation, and imitation of other kinds of texts. The choice of a particular encoding way is primarily caused by the age characteristics of the addressee considering that the riddles are addressed to preschoolers and elementary students, and riddle jokes — only to elementary students.



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Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Discourse