Organization of translational work in Soviet Yakutia of the 1960s and 1970s


  • Akulina A. Vasil’eva North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk



Soviet literature, literary translation, Semyon Danilov, Yakut-Russian translation, history of translation, purged writers


On the eve of the Yakut ASSR’s centennial, it is of interest to research the past and assess the significance of the Soviet era for the cultural development of the peoples of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The article covers the endeavors of the chairman (1961–1978) of the Union of Writers of Yakutia Semyon P. Danilov to organize translational work in the Republic. At that time, literary translation was one of the main ideological tools aimed to develop the unity of the multicultural Soviet nation. For Semyon Danilov, Yakut-Russian literary translation not only promoted Yakut literature and folklore to a wider reading audience but also enabled the rehabilitation of the purged founders of Yakut literature — Alexey Kulakovsky, Anempodist Sofronov, and Platon Oyunsky. The Russian translations of the important Yakut literary and folklore works were provided with extensive and prolonged coverage in the Soviet Union, and through such positive outside assessment, especially from the capital — Moscow, the Yakuts understood the real value of their cultural heritage and felt themselves on par with other Soviet peoples. Such publicity that existed during the Soviet period still influences the Yakut culture — Olonkho (a Yakut epic tale) was recognized as part of “Humanity’s Oral and Intangible Heritage” by UNESCO. Also, large-scale literary translational projects and cultural events are often based on the collective memory of the peoples of Russia about the shared Soviet past, preserving and developing the best practices of the Soviet literary events. Thus, the “friendship of literatures — friendship of peoples” era of the 1960s–1970s still consolidates the peoples of Russia, as they still remember these practices of the Soviet period.



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Practice and Theory of Translation and Interpreting