Euphemization at different levels of language: Evidence from UK public signage
euphemy, euphemization, euphemism, political correctness, prohibition, public signage, prohibitive, directive, indirect speech actsAbstract
The article examines euphemy in UK public signage. The study is based on a mini-corpus of about 300 signs collected in public places around the UK. The authors offer a broader understanding of euphemy positing that euphemy exists not only at the lexical level and thus is represented as words, or lexemes, but can also be found at the level of grammar, style, discourse and pragmatics. Half of the public signs in the corpus are prohibitive and directive speech acts, which makes euphemy essential in order to avoid social tension or confrontation in society and to enhance political correctness related to different social, age, cultural and ethnic groups in the UK. Grammatical means of euphemization comprise a wider use of “soft” modal verbs can and may compared to the more rigid must. Lexical means of euphemization of prohibitives and directives are “benevolence” words help, save, support, respect, enjoy, discover, etc. used in formulas of politeness and intended to ameliorate the unpleasant, negative effects of strict prohibition. The use of humour, rhyme, alliteration and allusion makes up the stylistic means of euphemization. Euphemization is also represented by specific discourse features: short texts explaining the reasons, purpose or consequences of a prohibition, which makes the prohibition more digestible and acceptable for the public. Pragmatic means of euphemy comprise indirect speech acts which express a prohibition or a directive implicitly. The findings presented in the article are that almost each text in the sample offers a case of euphemy expressed by an ensemble of means at different levels of language all working together. It is concluded that euphemisms emerge and function at different levels of language and are not limited to vocabulary, or the level of lexis.
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