Computer Kit of French (IBI, St. Petersburg). Results, perspectives


  • Irina N. Artemeva Russian State Hydrometeorological University



Computer Kit of French, TICE, foreign language teaching


Digital technologies are rapidly becoming a language teaching practice. At International Banking Institute of Saint Petersburg (Russia), the creation of the Computer Kit of French begins a long time ago. In 2005 the first version of Kit in French L2 is developed at the base of the platform “Virtual Teaching Complex of St. Petersburg” (VUOKSA). From 2007 it moves to the platform MOODLE 2.0 which offers more options and in 2017 to the latest version of MOODLE 3.0. The structure of the Kit includes the teaching program in accordance with the state standard 3++, the matrix, the digital manual, the practical work, the chrestomathy, the tests, the exercisers, the links in line, the “case technology”, the didactic recommendations, the glossary. The course of French includes 244 hours, 4 semesters. Its purpose for beginners consiste to reach the Threshold Level B1 according to the CEFR. The matrix containing 92 themes is focused on French and Russian course books used in the classroom. The use of the KIT allows to draw conclusions. Since the work is out of class, it saves time to put more effort into classroom communication. The computer completes the course, provides independent student training, offers them individual routes, but it cannot substitute the teacher and the intellectual interaction between the teacher and the learner. The Kit provides a more objective evaluation of the skills and knowledge. On the other hand, presently it is intended more for the acquisition of knowledge than of the oral skills. This shows the prospects for its development: it would be relevant to introduce more audio and video, more creative work.


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Artemeva, I. N. (2004) Uchebnik frantsuzskogo yazyka. Manuel de Français [French coursebook]. Saint Petersburg: International Banking Institute Publ., 182 p. (In Russian and French)

Artemeva, I. N. (2005) Posobie po delovoj perepiske na frantsuzskom yazyke. La correspondance des affaires en français [A coursebook of business correspondance in French]. Saint Petersburg: International Banking Institute Publ., 156 p. (In Russian and French)

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Linguodidactics and Language Teaching Methodology