Methods of teaching foreign students to understand texts at the stage of pre-university preparation (Russian as a foreign language)


  • Svetlana A. Grivina Moscow Pedagogical State University



Russian as a foreign language, innovative technologies, problematic technology, functional reading, text activity


This article is devoted to the methods of teaching to work with text in such innovative technologies as а problematic technology and project technology as well as in technology of functional reading for the purpose to build skills and abilities of understanding and interpretation of the texts.

The article is devoted to instructional techniques that are used when working with text in such innovative technologies as a problem and design technology, as well as technology training functional reading. These techniques make it possible to teach cognitive strategies to understand text information, necessary for the formation of skills and abilities of text activity in the target language. Most effectively they are used in the methods of teaching functional reading, in which the basic elements and principles of innovative technologies are implemented in the system and on a fundamentally new basis. The terms “functional literacy” and “minimum literacy”, which were introduced in 1975, UNESCO designated range of skills and abilities, providing the ability to understand, evaluate and interpret texts, as well as the use of textual information in daily, academic and professional activities. Functional reading is one of the components of the minimum (functional) literacy. In the PISA study and PIRLS, dedicated to the analysis of the level of functional literacy in reading skills are defined as the ability to the comprehension of written texts and reflection, to extract the textual information and its use for their own purposes. In the modern methodological literature under the functional reading is understood reading to search for information to solve a particular problem, perform certain tasks, which uses methods of viewing, analytical, studying reading. In this article reveal indicates content of teaching the concept of functional reading and substantiates its effectiveness already in the elementary and basic levels of mastery of Russian as a foreign language including language specialty. The publication suggested possible forms of learning strategies of text comprehension and skills functional reading on the example of the organization of work with educational texts on language specialty “Jurisprudence” Basic level (A2) is shown system tasks, which use before the texts and after texts justified their didactic expediency and describes a method of implementation. In an e-textbook has been used as a didactic material “Russian language (as a foreign language)” (Anokhina, Antipova, Grivina et al. 2018) in development of which the author participated.



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Linguodidactics and Language Teaching Methodology