The problem of translating Latin interferences in the text of J. J. von Wallhausen’s military charter “Training and skill of military order for infantrymen”
Wallhausen, history of the Russian language, 17th century, German language, Dutch language, military charterAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical interferences from the Latin language in various translations of the 17th century military charter of J. J. von Wallhausen “Kriegskunst zu Fuß”. Latin interferences are understood as words, phrases, and short quotations in Latin, included without translation in the original German text and marked with font. The entire text of the book is typeset in Gothic font, interferences are highlighted in Roman font. The study compares the German original of the charter, published in 1615 in Oppenheim; the translation into Dutch, published in 1617 in Arnhem; the translation into Russian, made from the Dutch version of the text and published in 1647 in Moscow under the title “Training and Skill of Military Order for Infantrymen”. 321 Latin lexemes were identified in the German text; they are used 1234 times. Some Latin lexemes show a semantic shift under the influence of the Romance languages of the 17th century. In the Dutch translation of the charter, 121 marked Latin lexemes are recorded, they are used 210 times. It is suggested that the reduction in the number of Latin interferences in the Dutch version could be explained by political reasons. The Russian text of the charter does not contain marked Latin interferences. During the translation, 38 Latinisms from the Dutch version were preserved, of which 34 are proper names. The errors of the Russian translator in rendering Latin proper names, as well as his use of intratextual glosses, are shown.
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