Implementation of the ethnocultural component in teaching English to students at the level of secondary general education
ethnocultural component, ethnocultural education, project activities, English language teaching, local history material, secondary schoolAbstract
The introduction of ethnocultural elements into the teaching of English at the secondary school level is an important and relevant task of modern pedagogy. This allows students not only to improve their language skills, but also to better understand and appreciate the cultural heritage of their people.
The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that schoolchildren often have difficulties trying to describe the features of their native land in English, which may be due to both insufficient vocabulary and the lack of appropriate cultural and historical knowledge in educational materials. Thus, the inclusion of ethnocultural elements in English language programs helps to eliminate these gaps and promotes more effective intercultural communication.
The purpose of this article is to analyze various ways of integrating the ethnocultural component into the educational process and generalize personal experience.
One of the most effective methods of integrating the ethnocultural component into learning is project activity, which allows students to independently explore cultural aspects and present their work in the form of projects in English on topics such as folk traditions, holidays, crafts and folklore of their native land. In addition, extracurricular activities such as thematic exhibitions in school museums, creative contests and festivals play an important role in ethnocultural education. Such events create conditions for lively and exciting communication in English, and also contribute to the involvement of parents and the local community in the educational process.
For the successful implementation of the ethnocultural component in teaching English, it is necessary to develop appropriate educational and thematic plans. In this context, the suggestions, which are proposed by Yu. Komarova, I. Larionova and J. Perret different approaches the use of regional studies materials that help students understand the global and local cultural heritage, as well as provides a deeper and meaningful study of a foreign language.
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