Particularities of semantics of Old French abstract adjective “iriez” in combination with noun “cuer”
historical stylistics of the French language, paired names, paired synonyms, semantic syncretism, Old French vocabulary, epic formulaAbstract
The aim of the study is to determine the meaning and describe the peculiarities of the Old French adjective “iriez” (‘angry / distressed’) used as part of a formula containing the noun “cuer / corage” (‘heart’).
The relevance of the study is conditioned by the unflagging interest to semantic peculiarities of the lexical composition of old languages, including Old French. The article contributes to the scientific discussion on the nature of Old French abstract vocabulary in terms of everysemy, polysemy, syncretism.
The article describes the formula with the components “iriez” and “cuer”, gives its variants; analyzes the meaning of the adjective “iriez” as part of the formula; compares the adjective “iriez” with the adjectives “dolent” (‘grieved’) and “couroucié” (‘angry’), which form paired names (paired synonyms) with each other and with the adjective “iriez”. This makes it possible to determine the meaning of the adjective “iriez”.
The study was based on the Old French language sub-corpus of the Frantext French Language Corpus. The research sub-corpus, containing 75 Old French texts (2,813,747 word uses) dating from 950 to 1299, took into consideration homonymy and orthographic variation characteristic of medieval French. The contextual method and the method of etymological analysis were used in analyzing the meaning of the word.
Having completed the study, we concluded that Old French adjective “iriez” has a syncretic character denoting a strong negative feeling and meaning ‘angry’ and ‘grieved’. Besides, the use of the adjective described in the formula with the noun “cuer / corage” (‘heart’) allowed us to see the peculiarity of the medieval metaphor which is characterized by materialism, while the metaphor’s abstract nature is supported by physical sensations.
The practical significance of the study lies in the clarification of the meaning of the adjective “iriez”, as well as in the possibility of using the results in courses on the history of the French language.
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