The phenomenon of homonymy of new borrowings in the modern Russian language


  • Mai Chi Tran Hanoi University



borrowing, homonymy, homonyms, new borrowings, LSV


At the turn of the 20th–21st centuries, the Russian language observed active borrowing of foreign language lexical units, which becomes one of the potential sources of replenishment of the vocabulary of the Russian language at the present stage. This phenomenon is constantly under the close attention of many linguists. This article is devoted to the consideration of new borrowings in the modern Russian language in their ononymous relations. Homonymy is considered a typical lexical-semantic phenomenon in borrowings, which expresses the influence of foreign words and their great role in the process of enriching and diversifying the stock of Russian vocabulary. The purpose of this work is to consider and describe the features of new homonym borrowings in the lexical and semantic aspect. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: consider the theoretical foundations of homonymy and homonyms; present a lexical-semantic classification of homonym borrowings depending on their origin and form. The main methods in this study, determined by the purpose and objectives of the work, were the method of linguistic description, the method of lexical-semantic analysis, the classification method, the directed sampling method, the method of component analysis, as well as the statistical method. The scientific novelty of this article is determined by the fact that it conducts a special and in-depth study of borrowed words in their omonymous relationships in the lexical-semantic aspect. The novelty of the article also lies in the selection of examples for analysis — new vocabulary of foreign origin at the turn of the late 20th — early 21st centuries, taken from new dictionaries of foreign words, which contain new borrowings in the modern Russian language.



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Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Research in Language and Discourse