Theatricalization in Russian language lessons abroad as a form of pedagogical edutainment


  • Elizaveta A. Khamraeva Moscow Pedagogical State University; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



bilingual education, bilingual children, theatre pedagogy, personification, indirect language teaching, motivation, edutainment


The article describes the possibilities of theatrical pedagogy in the organization of the Russian language lesson abroad, describes the effective methods for such a lesson. The principles of indirect language teaching are described, the element of which can be dramatization and personification. It is notes that the techniques of theatrical pedagogy are especially important in teaching Russian bilingual children in a limited language environment. The prospect of theatricalization as an indirect teaching of Russian as foreign language are also considered. The means of dramatization provide the development of emotional intelligence, which in the conditions of studying outside the country contribute to persistent motivation for learning activities in both adult students and children. All the possibilities of theatricalization are considered in article in the aspect of entertainment — learning through a system of specially created game and motivating opportunities.



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