Music terms in contemporary linguistic research




determinologisation, calquing, metaphorisation, musical term, terminosystem, phraseological equivalent


The study of terminological lexicon is a current direction in modern linguistics. The interest of linguists to the problems of terminology studies has significantly increased during the last decades. Musical terminology represents a special layer of professionally restricted vocabulary, has its own specific features and a certain linguocultural specificity. The relevance of the conducted research lies in identifying the main directions in linguistics oriented to the study of musical term, as well as in establishing the problem areas that require further consideration of this linguistic phenomenon. Musical terminology plays an important role in fixing new knowledge, fulfils an important cognitive function of subject-specific language. The article provides a theoretical review of scientific works and publications of Russian and Belarusian authors devoted to the study of musical terminology in linguistics. From 2004 to 2017 V. V. Bondarovich, E. E. Astakhina, E. V. Aleshinskaya, O. S. Petrovskaya, I. A. Vitsinskaya, D. E. Khokhonin, Y. O. Matveeva, D. D. Droshnev were engaged in the study of musical terms. The subject of scientific research of these authors is the full characteristic of musical terminological lexicon (etymological, semantic, derivational features of the components of the thematic group of musical lexicon), the study of specific properties of musical terms in the general terminological system, the identification of features of metaphorisation and phraseologisation of musical lexicon, determinologisation and ways of classification of musical terms in accordance with the developed typologies, the description of the main ways and methods of formation of new terms and the study of the specific features of musical terms in the general terminological system. In general, it should be noted the insignificant number of scientific works in this field (6 dissertation studies for the period from 2000 to the present), a number of unsolved problems (insufficient number of comparative studies on the basis of musical terminological lexicon, issues of ordering and standardisation of musical terms, compilation of musical terminological dictionaries). The present article is a review of existing scientific publications in the field of musical terminology. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the main trends in the study of musical terminological vocabulary of Russian and Belarusian authors over the past 50 years, establishes the range of unresolved or requiring further discussion of issues concerning musical terminology, suggests new ways in the study of musical terms.



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