Staged egocentrism as a principle of the semantic-speech text organization in the real communication
anthropocentrism, egocentrism, egocentric text, egocentric linguistic unit, egocentric-pragmatic perspective, staged egocentrismAbstract
The paper is devoted to the scientific analysis of German egocentric texts in real communication, which are formulated from the 1st person of a “other”, who replaces the true author. In the article the egocentric text is understood as a speech product, in which special personal textual meanings are actualized. This actualization is carried out through egocentric language and speech means, in other words, pointers to oneself as a cognitive and speech subject. The semantic and communicative-pragmatic core of the model of the egocentric text is the paradigm of the 1st person personal pronoun (Ger. ‘ich’). In this function, the pronoun “I” can radically affect the potential of other textual units that do not have egocentric meaning in the language system, and thus provide contextual increments of egocentric meaning to their basic semantics. These include, for example, performative and modal verbs, verbs and verb phrases with mental and emotive semantics. Entering into syntactic constructions (introductory constructions, elliptic sentences, various types of subordinate clauses, infinitive constructions and other), these units build syntagmatic relations with each other and with other textual elements and also give different shades of the egocentric meaning to other elements of the text compositional speech structure. In the texts, which formulation is based on the “staged” egocentrism, the pronoun “I” gets a complex referential structure, because it implies a double authorization subject — real and fake. In the article, the problem of “staged” egocentrism is highlighted on the examples of such egocentric texts as authorized announcements and blog posts. Analysis of these texts allows to make a conclusion that the method of staging the egocentric position of a “other” is based primarily on suggestion, which implies an impact on the addressee, primarily not to encourage him to perform certain post-communicative actions, but to change his mindset, his emotional state and to call him for the co-thinking and empathy.
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