The implementation of information and communication technologies in teaching business writing at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language
information and communication technologies, information resources, business writing, business document, Russian as a foreign languageAbstract
The use of various types of information and communication technologies in foreign language classes has gradually become an integral part of the educational process and one of the indicators of professional competence of the teacher. The article considers the wide possibilities of using a computer and its analogues, as well as information resources of the Internet at various stages of the lesson in Russian as a foreign language in the teaching of business writing.
At the stage of presentation of a sample business letter/document and its oral analysis, it is advisable to use a projector, as well as Internet resources such as specialized sites and the web portal Culture of written speech. Presentation on the screen not only the text, but also the Internet page, makes it possible to replace the usual images from the tutorials on a brighter and more attention grabbing ones. The stage of building similar statements with the help of different types of language exercises will be effective if you organize it in an electronic learning environment Moodle. It allows you to place training materials designed for theoretical development, and then perform tasks using online tests, the so-called simulators. Preparation of the text of the business letter/document according to the model involves the use of a computer, laptop, netbook or tablet and e-mail. Tasks with the use of e-mail make learning business writing truly communicative, contributing to the better development of the material and increase the educational motivation of students. For the final stage, which involves the analysis of the received texts, a projector is needed that allows to work together.
The article provides examples of different types of exercises for students and emphasizes the positive impact of the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom.
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