Language portfolio as a strategy for teaching a second foreign language to master’s students in education studies


  • Irina V. Frolova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



language portfolio, project portfolio, second foreign language, learning strategy, practice-oriented learning model


This article proposes a new look at the European language portfolio and its Russian version. Language instructors working with students from both language and non-language related programmes have traditionally seen it as a tool for tracking and evaluating students’ progress and providing feedback, as well as a tool for students’ self-assessment, self-control and a source of motivation. This paper aims to propose a new concept of a language portfolio and describe how this strategy can be applied within the Second Foreign Language for Professional Purposes course taught to education studies masters’ students in a Herzen University programme titled Foreign Languages within the Context of Modern Culture.

Inter alia, the paper describes a new training model and a new LP application strategy tailored for a different learning environment and a different set of students (master’s students in education studies learning a second foreign language). A more comprehensive approach to LP is offered, encompassing its use as a part of a learning course, a tool and a goal for studying a second foreign language, a tool for skills evaluation, self-assessment, self-reflection, motivation and self-guided study. This model also expands the project section traditional for the European language portfolio to accommodate for the students’ individual goals.

The suggested education model is a type of profession-specific, diversified, person-driven, project-based mixed and remote learning, which ensures the attainment of the aims of the course.

The language portfolio technique is ideally suited for the master’s programme, since the training time within the Second Foreign Language in Professional Communication course is quite limited, while students require a different approach depending on their level of experience with the language. Thus, a language portfolio is a perfect tool to ensure that future language teachers attain the level of the second foreign language required be the new Federal State Education Standard.



European Language Portfolio. [Online]. Available at: (accessed 05.01.2019).


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Linguodidactics and Language Teaching Methodology