Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 3 (2024)
					View Vol. 6 No. 3 (2024)

Proofreader  M. S. Ogurenkova
Corrector N. A. Sinenikolskaya
Cover design by O. V. Rudneva
Layout by D. V. Romanova

Published: 2024-11-30
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General description of the periodical

Title: Issledovaniya yazyka i sovremennoe gumanitarnoe znanie

Alternative title: Language Studies and Modern Humanities

Mass Media Registration Certificate EL No. FS 77 - 74269, issued by Roskomnadzor on 9 November 2018

ISSN (online): 2686-830X

Frequency of publication: 2 issues per year

Languages: Russian, English, German, French

Subject: cognitive and gender linguistics, lexicology, lexicography, translation, intercultural communication, text and discourse theory and typology (including internet-based discourse and virtual linguistic persona), interpretation, hermeneutics, linguo-stylistics, linguo-poetics, linguo-didactics, methodology of teaching foreign languages

Review type: double-blind peer-review

There is no publication fee for an article review and its publishing

Number of articles: 10–20 articles per issue

Distribution form: online publishing

Distribution principle: open-access journal

Distribution territory: Russian Federation, other countries

Established in: 2018

Founder, publisher: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Founder’s (publisher’s) address: 48 Moika Emb, Saint Petersburg 191186, Russia


Archiving: Scientific Electronic Library


Approximate publication timeline (2025)

  • Compilation: before 17 February / 21 April / 28 July / 27 October
  • Pre-press: before 24 March / 2 June /  1 September/ 8 December
  • Publication (on-line): before 14 April / 30 June / 29 September / 29 December
  • Indexation: before 7 April / 16 June / 15 September / 16 January 2026